Sunday, April 22, 2012

How to dye your hair with kool-aid!

I made this video because everyone is always begging me to tell them how I dye my hair with kool-aid I then explain and then they forget so, here ya go! This is a step-by-step video of how to dye your hair with kool-aid questions? comment them in the comment box. :) if you enlarge this video to full screen its hard to read sorry. :(


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Alex Clare - Too close

I love this song! I heard it on a commercial in the background and fell in love with it instantly! so i looked it up and BAM!!! now i LOVELOVELOVE it!!! and the music video is VERY epic! im not to big on his other songs but on this song i think Alex did a really good job.           
here is the music video from youtube:

(no copywrite intened. i don't own any of this. this video and song belongs to Alex Clare and Universal Music Company.)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

the hair color(s) i want

 I love this the most I might even get it professionally done cause I don't think I can
this is my second fave. I LOVE IT! so i tried it but it didn't work. heres the link to the place i found how to:  
it didn't work mostly case i used food dye with conditioner and didn't leave it on long enough.

       these two are the kind i really liked that got me started on this color craze saw it on Avril Lavign

                                                  I tried this but the blue didn't last at all
^I tried this one too but its almost gone now^
^I like this one
                                                                            ^ehh i like it^

~Airo :)

no copy write intended. none of this material used on this post is owned by me at all. it belongs to:     
and other websites.