Tuesday, July 31, 2012

how to remove/fade semi permanent hair dye

So you dyed your hair with semi permanent hair dye thinking well no commitment right?? well sometimes that is not correct at all :/ you can try one of those fancy expensive  color removing kits (they smell SO bad) or bleach it (very bad idea!) But before you try that try these tips first they might not work but it won't hurt to try (though your hair will feel dry until the next time you wash it) :

you will need:

*Dandruff shampoo:

*Baking soda:
*Any conditioner (except color safe):

*a bowl a spoon and a shower cap (and a comb)

If all your hair is dyed use this:

Use a good size amount of the dandruff shampoo (2/3 parts) and about a teaspoon of baking soda (1/3 part) and wash hair like normal. make sure you really massage the mixture into the hair RINSE REALLY WELL  and this should fade it at least some if this feels like too much then just use the dandruff shampoo. That is  what I use all the time and its really working!

If you did a streak(s) or your all your hair this will work:

Mix some of the baking soda with the conditioner in a bowl. Apply to the dyed hair and place a shower cap on if its all your hair or use big hair clips to hold the un-dyed hair up if all of your hair isn't dyed. leave on for 30 min. then rinse out EXTREEMLY WELL!   and then you might still have to wash your hair to get all the baking soda and dryed conditioner out.

hope this helps :)

Photos are not mine I found them on yahoo! image search results. I do not own them. no copywrite intended

Sunday, July 29, 2012

word poster

                                                                you will need:
         * glue stick
      *poster board

                              take the page that you want.



                        You will need the LARGE letters.
                                     cut them out                                

cut the desired letter or in this case symbol. 

       cut the rest of your letters for the rest of the word out       

                                 Apply glue to letters

                                   Place your letters
          Continue on in the same way untill you
        have your word and/or sentance.

and TA- DA!!!                                                                                                                                              
          (it took me about 2 hours. but it might take more)

I  took these photos my self. they are mine I own them. So don't steal!!!                                                            

Sunday, April 22, 2012

How to dye your hair with kool-aid!

I made this video because everyone is always begging me to tell them how I dye my hair with kool-aid I then explain and then they forget so, here ya go! This is a step-by-step video of how to dye your hair with kool-aid questions? comment them in the comment box. :) if you enlarge this video to full screen its hard to read sorry. :(


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Alex Clare - Too close

I love this song! I heard it on a commercial in the background and fell in love with it instantly! so i looked it up and BAM!!! now i LOVELOVELOVE it!!! and the music video is VERY epic! im not to big on his other songs but on this song i think Alex did a really good job.           
here is the music video from youtube:

(no copywrite intened. i don't own any of this. this video and song belongs to Alex Clare and Universal Music Company.)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

the hair color(s) i want

 I love this the most I might even get it professionally done cause I don't think I can
this is my second fave. I LOVE IT! so i tried it but it didn't work. heres the link to the place i found how to: http://beautypunk.wordpress.com/2011/08/17/how-to-dye-your-hair-using-kool-aid/  
it didn't work mostly case i used food dye with conditioner and didn't leave it on long enough.

       these two are the kind i really liked that got me started on this color craze saw it on Avril Lavign

                                                  I tried this but the blue didn't last at all
^I tried this one too but its almost gone now^
^I like this one
                                                                            ^ehh i like it^

~Airo :)

no copy write intended. none of this material used on this post is owned by me at all. it belongs to:
and other websites.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The village by the sea. by Paula Fox: part 1

I'm going to start reading this book it's been at my house longer then i have i think and i want to read it so, I'm gonna read it. :) it just looks like my kind of book.
 I'll let you all know how it is when i finish it which shouldn't take me very long its only 10 chapters long and they aren't very big.

the dust cover:
When Emma's father goes to the hospital for surgery, she is sent to stay with Aunt Bea  the the "terror" and kindly Uncle Crispin. Emma wonders how she will survive two weeks with the always hostile Aunt Bea. Luckily, Emma makes a friend, Bertie,and the two girls make a project on the beach. Together they build tiny houses out of stones, shells, and all sorts of sea treasures. Here at the beach with Bertie,Emma finds comfort and takes pride in her carefully planned village. Then one day Emma and Berties village is destroyed...
sound interesting enough i actually go more for love stories but this girl reminded me of myself . so, talk to ya later :)

No copy write intended. none of the material or dust cover information used on this post is owned by me.

how to get gum out of hair

Yes we long haired folks and even some shorter hair people have all probably been there :P stuck with a wad of the sticky, yucky, nasty, icky, gross glob of goo is stuck in your hair called, GUM!!! what started out to be just a simple little stick of that flavorful chewy harmless yummy or breath freshening stuff is now your worst enemy!!! Maybe you fell asleep on the couch and you were so tired that you forgot about your little chewing friend and it got spit out in your dream of monkeys chasing you (happened to me as a child) or maybe your friend was to close to you when showing off his bubble gum blowing or you have a pesky little sibling that decided to stick his gum in your beautiful locks hair in the middle of the night however it got there you want it OUT NOW!!! So you now fear of having to have it cut out :O gives me chills just thinking ok a chunk of hair just CUT right off!!! and 9 out of 10 times its gonna be on top so that WILL NOT do because a huge chunk cut from your hair still isn't in style. so before that or shaving your head to join the army try this: massage some vegetable oil into the yucky gooey mess. this should make the gum soft and easier to gently pull out. now you don't have to worry about shaving your head :) and you can have your nice beautiful hair back :)


 no copy write intended. none of the photo material used on this post is owned by me at all. and the idea of the recipe was not by me either it was i a book i bought.